Course Information

To find out about the program structure of the medical science degree and which compulsory courses are needed to be taken in each year, have a look at your relevant UNSW Handbook! Make sure you’re looking at the correct edition of the handbook by changing the year to the year you will be taking a particular course (or the most recent edition).

It contains all the information needed in regards to core courses that need to be taken at each level of the degree.

​The link to the handbook can be found below:


MedSci Info Night

MSS 2023 Info Night Summary

Our MedSci Info Night is held yearly in Term 1. It is designed to provide incoming UNSW Medical Science students with a more in-depth understanding about courses required to complete during their first year, as well an array of information regarding tips and tricks with each individual course. The night also briefly runs over majors, ways students can develop a more fulfilling experience at university and support services available at UNSW.

Our 2023 Info Night has passed and we loved seeing all of the new first years eager to learn a bit more about Medical Science and our society!!

On the right, we have made an Info Night Summary to make all your lives a bit easier! It includes a bit about transitioning from high school into uni, how to organise your course enrolment for the year, and information on all the compulsory courses and electives you can choose between! Happy reading!!

For incoming students, check out our site and stay up to date on our socials to join us in Term 1 2024!