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T3 EGM 2021

This event has now passed. Thanks to everyone who joined and voted on our constitutional changes.

Medical Science Society's T3 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2021! 

We are holding an EGM to vote on constitutional changes to implement new Executive roles. These roles will be elected in our upcoming AGM for the 2022 Executive team.

📆Date: Week 2, Thursday 23d September, 2021. 🕞Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm. 📍Location: Zoom.

Official EGM start at 5:45pm

Proposed Agenda:

1. Apologies 
2. Amendments to the Club's Constitution
3. General Business
4. Business without Notice

Please note that the Constitution with the proposed amendments can be found here. These changes will be voted on at the EGM. 

September 22

Medical Science Careers Night

September 29

MedSci Majors Night